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Data Strategy and Governance

Data is a critical function of your strategy.  The majority of big data initiatives fail without a strategic approach to data challenges.  The reason:  data is not merely a technological challenge, but a complex process drawing together people, processes, technology, and purpose. 

Data Governance Framework

An organization must define roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes related to data. Our framework helps ensure that data is managed effectively, with clear accountability and transparency throughout the organization.

Data Quality Management

Data quality is crucial in healthcare for accurate patient care, reporting, and analysis. Defining data quality standards, implementing data validation processes, and monitoring data quality over time are key parts of the overall data strategy.   

Data Lifecycle Management

Data in healthcare has a lifecycle, from creation and capture to storage, usage, and eventual disposal. An organization must define policies and procedures for managing data throughout its lifecycle. 

Data Strategy Roadmapping

Developing a data strategy roadmap involves aligning data initiatives with the organization's strategy. Data strategy must identify key data-driven opportunities, prioritize projects, and create a detailed roadmap for achieving those goals.

Data Privacy and Security

A big data project must ensure compliance with all relevant regulations, establish encryption protocols, access controls, and conduct regular security audits to safeguard sensitive data.

Data Stewardship and Ownership

Data stewardship defines who is responsible for the care and feeding of data within an organization. An organization must assign data stewards, define their roles, train them, and establish data ownership policies. 

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